ChatGPT: Destroy the Jobs and Future of AI Technology


Here in this post, we discuss related to ChatGPT. What is Chat GPT and Who is the owner of ChatGPT? Because at this time one of the trending things on the Internet is ChatGPT and all the big organizations are scared of this. ChatGPT does lots of work and it will be within seconds. So, let’s start exploring ChatGPT.

What is ChatGPT :

Before we understand the meaning of ChatGPT let’s understand what is the full for of ChatGPT. So, ChatGPT is stands for Conversational Generative Pre-training Transformer. This particular language model was pre-trained using a sizable dataset of conversational text and employs a transformer architecture. The term “Generative Pre-training Transformer” (abbreviated “GPT”) in the name alludes to the model’s capacity to produce text based on a pre-training phase. The “Chat” component of the name alludes to the model’s capacity to produce responses that sound human in a conversational setting.

ChatGPT AI Tool
ChatGPT AI Tool

Let’s see what is the meaning of ChatGPT. Large-scale language model ChatGPT was created by OpenAI. It can provide responses to text input that are human-like because it was trained on a dataset of conversational text. It may be used for a range of NLP tasks, including question answering, language translation, and summarization.

Now let’s see who is the owner of ChatGPT. The company that created and trained the ChatGPT model is called OpenAI. Chat Open AI is a research group that seeks to make sure artificial intelligence (AI) is created in a way that is secure and advantageous to people. Although OpenAI is a privately held business, it runs as a non-profit with the intention of making its research and technologies available to the general population.

History of ChatGPT :

ChatGPT’s origins can be traced back to OpenAI’s creation of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) model in 2018. GPT was a ground-breaking language model that produced text that resembled that of a person after being trained on a big sample of online material. It was a significant development in the field of natural language processing and proved the efficacy of transformer and pre-training architectures in language tasks.

Following the popularity of GPT, OpenAI debuted GPT-2 in 2019, a conversational iteration of the model that was trained on a dataset of conversational text and was capable of producing more natural-sounding responses in a conversational situation.

In 2020, OpenAI unveiled GPT-3, an enhanced iteration of GPT-2 that produced language that was even more human-like and was trained on a larger dataset. The model was regarded as one of the most sophisticated language models at the time and was capable of carrying out a variety of natural language processing tasks.

Finally, ChatGPT, the conversational version of GPT-3 that was improved on conversational dataset and could produce more organic and coherent dialogue, was released in 2021 by OpenAI.

Task Done by ChatGPT :

Let’s see that which are the different task is done by ChatGPT. Because ChatGPT is large language model that is trained by the large amount of dataset. Here We will provide overview of task which can be performed by the ChatGPT.

  • ChatGPT is beneficial for chatbot and virtual assistant applications because it can provide human-like responses to text input.
  • ChatGPT is helpful for multilingual applications since it can translate text from one language to another.
  • ChatGPT is excellent for news and document summary since it can condense lengthy texts into shorter, more comprehensible forms.
  • ChatGPT can respond to queries depending on the text provided, which makes it helpful for knowledge base and information retrieval applications.
  • ChatGPT can finish text when provided a starting stimulus, which makes it suitable for writing support and other creative tasks.

And now in addition ChatGPT is also write the program so if you are from software background then you can also try this platform once. Now let’s see that how this CHatGPT works? With that you also have question that ChatGPT will replace programmers this things also we discuss soon.

How ChatGPT Works?

A pre-trained language model called ChatGPT creates text using a transformer architecture. The model can learn the linguistic patterns and structures because it has been trained on a big collection of conversational text.

ChatGPT uses its own neural network to produce a response in response to an input prompt. An encoder and a decoder make up the neural network of the model. A set of hidden states are created by the encoder from the input prompt and sent on to the decoder. These concealed states are used by the decoder to produce the response.

The ChatGPT model can successfully handle input sequences of different lengths and can consider the context of the entire input while generating the response thanks to the transformer architecture utilised in the model. The model may also produce responses that are consistent with the input prompt, enabling it to have a dialogue that is more organic and cohesive.

The model is exposed to a vast amount of conversational text during the pre-training phase, which it uses to discover communication patterns among different situations. The model may provide human-like responses thanks to this pre-training when it is customised for particular tasks like chatting, summarising, and answering questions.

Different Algorithm Used by ChatGPT :

The transformer architecture, a style of neural network architecture made specifically for handling sequential input, such as text, is the foundation of ChatGPT. In a paper published in 2017, Google researchers unveiled the transformer architecture, which has since grown to serve as the cornerstone for a number of cutting-edge language models, including ChatGPT.

The attention mechanism at the foundation of the transformer design enables the model to selectively focus on various input components when producing the answer. This enables the model to consider the context of the complete input and produce more logical and believable responses.

ChatGPT uses pre-training, a method for training a neural network on a large dataset before fine-tuning it for a particular job, in addition to the transformer architecture. This pre-training enables the model to pick up on linguistic patterns and structures, which it can employ when customised for particular tasks to produce more human-like responses.

Transformer-XL, a modification of the original transformer architecture that enables the model to accommodate longer input sequences, is another transformer type used by ChatGPT. For tasks like text production, language translation, and text summarization, this makes it more appropriate. Let’s see how ChatGPT change the world.

How ChatGPT Trained?

Unsupervised pre-training, which entails training a language model on a sizable corpus of text before optimising it for particular tasks, is the method used to train ChatGPT. Below we provide certain steps which are followed by ChatGPT:

  1. Data collection: A large dataset of conversational text is collected and preprocessed to be used for training.
  2. Pre-training: The model is trained on the collected dataset using unsupervised learning. The model learns to predict the next word in a sentence, given the previous words. This pre-training allows the model to learn patterns and structures of human language, which it can then use to generate more human-like responses when fine-tuned for specific tasks.
  3. Fine-tuning: The pre-trained model is then fine-tuned on a smaller dataset of labeled data for a specific task, such as text generation, question answering, or sentiment analysis.
  4. Evaluation: The fine-tuned model is evaluated on a held-out test set to measure its performance on the specific task.
  5. Repeat: The model can be further fine-tuned on other datasets for other tasks, and can continue to learn and improve over time.

And if we talk about numbers of data required to train model then 570GB data required to train model ChatGPT-3.

How Chat GP will change the world :

  • Enhancing human-computer interaction: ChatGPT could be used to develop chatbots and virtual assistants that are more believable as human beings, facilitating communication and information access.
  • Automating customer service will enable businesses to offer clients faster and more effective assistance. ChatGPT might be used to automate customer care duties, such as responding to frequently requested queries.
  • ChatGPT could be used to enhance machine translation, making it simpler for people to converse with those who speak different languages.
  • Content creation, news generation, and content personalisation can all be aided by ChatGPT’s ability to be tweaked to generate fresh text.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of research and education: ChatGPT might be used to produce educational materials and summaries, which could assist to increase the effectiveness of both.
  • A more natural and human-like speech-based interface might be made using ChatGPT to increase accessibility, making it simpler for persons with disabilities to engage with computers.
  • It is important to keep in mind, though, that the technology is still in its infancy, and it will take time for it to reach its full potential and get over its drawbacks. Additionally, it’s critical to think about the model’s ethical implications and ensure responsible use.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatGPT :

Advantages of ChatGPT :

  1. Human-like text generation: ChatGPT is able to generate text that is highly coherent and consistent with the input prompt, making it useful for chatbot and virtual assistant applications.
  2. Multitasking: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned for a variety of natural language processing tasks such as language translation, summarization, and question answering.
  3. Large Pre-training data: ChatGPT is trained on a massive dataset of conversational text, which allows it to learn patterns and structures of human language, and generate more natural and coherent responses.
  4. Handling long input sequences: ChatGPT uses a variant of transformer called Transformer-XL, which allows the model to handle longer input sequences, making it better suited for tasks such as text generation, language translation, and text summarization.
  5. Few-shot learning: ChatGPT is able to perform well even with very little fine-tuning data, allowing for quick and efficient adaptation to new tasks.

Disadvantages of ChatGPT :

  1. High computational costs: Training and using ChatGPT requires a significant amount of computational resources, which can be cost-prohibitive for some organizations.
  2. Lack of common sense: ChatGPT is trained on a large dataset of text, but it lacks the ability to understand and apply common sense knowledge to the task it is performing, which can lead to nonsensical or incorrect responses.
  3. Lack of interpretability: The inner workings of the model are complex and difficult to interpret, which can make it challenging to understand why the model is generating certain responses.
  4. Bias: As ChatGPT is pre-trained on a large dataset of text from the internet, it may reflect the bias present in the data, which can lead to generating biased or discriminatory responses.
  5. Risk of malicious use: The high level of fluency and coherence generated by ChatGPT make it a powerful tool, but if used maliciously, it can be used to spread misinformation or impersonate individuals or organizations.

Might be you think that there is most important disadvantage is not mentioned which is related to job security so at the initial phase there is not much affected in jobs.

Alternative of ChatGPT :

Let’s see that which are the alternative of the ChatGPT because this is not the first software which do this task before that there are lots of different tools available in market.

  • The predecessor of ChatGPT, GPT-2, similarly creates language that is human-like using the transformer architecture and unsupervised pre-training.
  • BERT: This is a pre-trained transformer-based model made by Google for tasks including named entity recognition and sentiment analysis in natural language.
  • The pre-trained model XLNet, created by Google, adopts a permutation-based training approach to enhance its performance on language comprehension tasks.
  • RoBERTa: This is a BERT version that enhances performance by using a larger dataset and more training steps.
  • T5: To enhance the performance of natural language understanding and generation tasks, Google built a pre-trained model that makes use of a task-based fine-tuning methodology.
  • Megatron: This pre-trained model from NVIDIA enhances natural language interpretation and generation tasks through the use of a large-scale transformer architecture.
  • CTRL: This is a pre-trained model created by Salesforce that produces text that resembles human speech using an unsupervised pre-training process and a conditional transformer architecture.

Is ChatGPT is Dangerous For Jobs or Not?

The potential for ChatGPT and other similar large language models to automate previously manual operations like text generation, summarization, and even language translation. Though ChatGPT can only produce text based on patterns it has observed in the data it was trained on, it must be kept in mind that it is not sentient. It lacks the capacity to reason or form judgements in the same way that humans do.

It’s conceivable that the adoption of ChatGPT and other tools of a similar nature will result in some employment displacement in sectors like data entry, journalism, and content creation. However, it is also important to note that these tools can also open up new opportunities and make existing jobs more efficient.

Long-term, it’s critical for society to think about the best ways to get ready for and adjust to the changes brought on by these tools, such as making investments in training and education programmes to develop brand-new, in-demand skills and making policies to support workers who may be replaced by automation.

Difference Between ChatGPT and MBR(Maximum mutual information based pre-training)

Fine-tuningCan be fine-tuned for various NLP tasksText generation one word at a time
Training processSimple and data-efficientRequires more labeled data
PerformanceState-of-the-art in many NLP tasksMore focused on interpretable and controllable models


In conclusion, ChatGPT is a potent AI tool created by OpenAI that creates language that is human-like using a transformer-based architecture and unsupervised pre-training. It may be fine-tuned for a range of natural language processing tasks, including text generation, language translation, and text summarization. It is trained on a sizable text dataset. Compared to other pre-training strategies like MBR, ChatGPT’s pre-training procedure is more straightforward and data-efficient. It has been demonstrated to perform at the cutting edge in several natural language processing tasks.


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